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The "Great Eight" Projects


The Clinton ConNEXTion Action Plan includes eight top priority implementation projects. The "Great Eight" Priority Projects were specifically identified and designed for the catalytic nature in supporting each of the four Vision Themes, as well as the Core Principles of the Action Plan. These projects have the potential to stimulate the revitalization of the South Rock Hill area and trigger significant momentum for additional positive changes.​


A Community Open House was held on the grounds of Clinton College in June 2021 to present the Draft Plan and obtain stakeholder feedback relating to prioritization of the "Great Eight" projects. Meeting attendees were each provided $50,000 in South Rock Hill bucks to spend on the "Great Eight Projects." A total of $3,860,000  was spent during the meeting. In addition, attendees provided overall feedback on the plan and expressed their excitement to see it carried forward into implementation. 

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Mixed-Income Housing with Green Infrastructure 

In order to provide additional housing for local residents and newcomers alike, the Action Plan recommends significant mixed-income development. Mixed-income housing typically includes diverse types of housing units, such as apartments, town homes, and/or single family homes for people with a range of income levels. 

Neighborhood Farmers Market/ Grocery Initiative

The U.S. Department of Agriculture identifies the Clinton ConNEXTion census tract as both low income and low access tract, qualifying this tract as a food desert. The plan recommends addressing this challenge through a two-step process- organizing and establishing a neighborhood farmers market with the longer-term step involving the establishment of a grocery store in or around the Saluda Street Corridor.

Elevate the Emmett Scott Center

Emmett Scott Center sits on approximately 10 acres of park space and includes basketball courts, walking trails, and picnic areas. It houses McGirt Auditorium, a classroom, game room, crafts room, and gym.  A variety of classes, spanning ceramics to hip hop dance to the Rock Hill Boxing Club. The plan recommends improving the Emmett Scott Center building and grounds with space and programming. Additionally, the plan recommends uncovering the specific types of programs and activities that interest community members most.

B.E.L.L. Incubator for Economic and Social Impact

The B.E.L.L. Incubator for Economic and Social Impact is a community-oriented productivity and resource center where community members merge to create social and economic impact. The incubator aims to provide businesses, individuals, organizations, students, and startups with the space, resources, and community collaborations needed to bridge the economic divides and gaps geographically, demographically, socially, and ultimately economically. 

McGirt Auditorium as a Cultural Hub

Transforming the Emmett Scott (McGirt) Auditorium into South Rock Hill's cultural hub would be a huge boost for the community. The 1,100 seat auditorium has the potential to host events such as theatrical plays, gospel concerts, and pageants. The plan envisions the renovated auditorium in tandem with a music/video production space that could be created within the Emmett Scott Center. The project will help to foster a sense of culture, history and pride in the South Rock Hill community. 

Focused Improvements to Carroll and Emmett Scott Parks

Carroll Park is a 11.4-acre green space that includes a lighted ball field, a basketball court, and a playground. Habitat for Humanity of York County has dedicated $160,000 of funding through a recently awarded National Neighborhood Promise Grant to refurbish the Park, to create a walking trail, and to begin to renovate and beautify homes in the immediate vicinity. 

Clinton College Beacon Center

The Clinton College Beacon Center is an essential initiative to help create a nationally competitive and attractive campus for the art, athletics, business and leadership. The Beacon Center is envisioned as an approximately 64,000 square foot academic, athletics and administrative complex that would include a start-of-the-art gymnasium and wellness center, with seating capacity of approximately 1,440, along with a performing arts auditorium with seats for 650 persons. Connecting these two components of the building would be instructional space including classrooms, science labs, faculty offices, and executive and administrative space. 

Strengthen Connections between Knowledge Park and Saluda Corridor

The Action Plan seeks to connect the South Rock Hill neighborhoods, and specifically the Saluda Street Corridor, to Knowledge Park area through both physical and structural improvements. The overall goal is to create a multi-modal corridor that balances the needs of nearby residents with supporting small businesses and entrepreneurs and preserving mobility for commuters. Design elements should be oriented around increasing activity along the corridor while creating a safer, more aesthetically pleasing environment. 

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A more in-depth View

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