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The Plan


Clinton ConNEXTion is a strategy for attracting jobs, businesses and housing to the historic neighborhoods of South Rock Hill. It is a commitment to creating opportunities to improve inclusivity, while fostering an environment for ALL to live, learn, work, and play. The vision is to improve the quality of life in South Rock Hill so that community members can thrive and have equitable access to resources and opportunities. â€‹


The Clinton ConNEXTion Action Plan is a community led effort that builds on a strong foundation of previous and ongoing planning initiatives. The Action Plan outlines strategies to improve quality of life for residents of the South Rock Hill community and identifies catalytic projects and initiatives based on stakeholder-identified planning principles.



The Action Plan is intended as a tool to help build economic prosperity, address housing needs while avoiding displacement, strengthen ties between the unique neighborhoods of South Rock Hill and the Knowledge Park district, enhance educational opportunities, and improve the health, nutrition, welfare and safety of residents. Through the Action Plan, Clinton ConNEXTion seeks to promote a positive image for the community while expanding and building neighborhood-based cultural, arts and entertainment activities.


The Seven Core Principles shown on this page are defined by Clinton ConNEXTion to guide and structure the planning process, and to categorize and prioritize project ideas. Taken as a whole, these Core Principles will help to align future investment in South Rock Hill with community values:​


  • Health & Safety: Improve the health, nutrition, welfare and safety of residents in the area to a level on par with the rest of Rock Hill.

  • Inclusivity: Build ties between the area and the rest of Rock Hill including, specifically, at a political and local investment level to help assist the success of the Plan and its objectives.

  • Placemaking: Expand recreational opportunities and build arts and entertainment activities at all age levels that are connected to the whole of Rock Hill.

  • Community of Opportunity: Promote a positive image of and with the area to a level on par with the rest of Rock Hill.

  • Jobs and Business Growth: Build economic prosperity for the area on par with the whole of Rock Hill.

  • House Development and Redevelopment: Address housing needs of the area- both affordable and market rate, while avoiding displacement and rapid gentrification. 

  • Talent Development and Attraction: Improve education opportunities for all students within the area to a level on par with the rest of Rock Hill. 


The Action Plan is intended as a tool to help build economic prosperity, address housing needs while avoiding displacement, strengthen ties between the unique neighborhoods of South Rock Hill and the Knowledge Park district, enhance educational opportunities, and improve the health, nutrition, welfare and safety of residents.

The Implementation Plan was proposed October 2022 as the second phase of action planning. The proposed implementation plan is comprised of projects shared in the original action plan as well projects that have blossomed since July 2021. Stakeholders are invited to view the implementation plan and provide their feedback. 

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